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Al Arabi coach Younes Ali spoke to the media ahead of their 2022-23 season QNB Stars League Week 1 match against Qatar SC.

“The team’s preparations were good, during and after the camp, and the players have made a great effort in readying for a good start in the league. We were only lacking in the early completion of the team, but we have been able to compensate for this and prepare well for the first round.

“I am completely satisfied with what the players presented during the camp, as they all did a good job during the preparatory phase for the season. The feeling was positive and the seriousness was clear. We now need to transfer this seriousness to the field during the matches,” said Younes.

Al Arabi player Yousef Muftah said, “Our first match of the season against Qatar SC will be played eagerly and with enthusiasm. We are ready and our ambition is to win and reap the three valuable points.

“The morale within the team is high, and as we finished our last season, we begin with the same spirit this season. As players, we have a goal at the beginning of each season which is to win the first three points through which we aspire to reach the highest this season.”

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Published on: 01/08/2022


Press Conference

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  • Qatar Stars League