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The Qatar Stars League (QSL) has reaffirmed its stance on match fixing, urging all stakeholders to remain vigilant for any suspicious activities with the final games of the season, with its partner the ICSS.

This is not the first time that the QSL and the ICSS have partnered up to focus on unsporting behavior for the final games of the domestic season. Last year, towards the end of the 2014/2015 season the QSL and ICSS met to reiterate their strong commitment to the integrity and security of professional football in Qatar.

This full cooperation and coordination between the both organizations ensures full transparency and integrity by the QSL and its partners are keen to provide to all the competing teams.

Additionally QSL and ICSS will be sending ICSS representatives to attend QSL matches in order to ensure the integrity of the beautiful game. These representatives will closely work with QSL officials before, during and after the matches. 

The 2015/16 season is coming to an end with only two rounds of action still to be played which will also witness the determination of the other relegating team to accompany Mesaimeer to the Qatar Gas League next season. Further to that, the shape of the top 4 teams who will be in the Qatar Cup competition this season.

 With the top four positions in the league still to be finalized and the final relegation spots still threatening a number of clubs, there is sure to be extra pressure in the final few fixtures. 
For this reason the QSL, ICSS and its partners have activated all their resources to ensure that matches are carefully monitored in order to avoid match fixing or any other surreptitious behavior.  

Main Sponsor

  • Qatar Stars League