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The Qatar Stars League, the highest professional league in Qatar met with members of the Colombian Paralympic team competing in the 2015 IPC Athletics World Championships currently being held in Qatar.

Paola Castro, a Colombian national and Sponsor Relations Officer at the Qatar Stars League met with the team at their  hotel in Doha, and gifted the team a host of Qatar Stars League merchandise.
Speaking at the meeting Mr.  Julio César Ávila Sarria Head of the Colombian Paralympic Committee said. “I would like to thank the Qatar Stars League for their gifts and warm welcome to the team whilst in Qatar.”
When asked about his favorite Qatar Stars League side Sarria said; “I think Al Arabi as Gabriel Batistuta played there, and as a Colombian, we have to support the teams that give the chance to South American players. I would love to see Colombians players in Qatari Football teams but I think Brazilians and Argentinians have done a better job than us in that regards.”
The Colombian delegation have currently won two silver and two bronze medals at the 2015 IPC Athletics World Championships currently being held  in Doha.

Main Sponsor

  • Qatar Stars League