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Qatar Stars League CEO Mr Hani Ballan was the main speaker at the season launch ceremony at the Sheraton Hotel yesterday morning.

Mr Ballan went onto the stage with the QSL Shield trophy and gave a short but inspiring speech to end the ceremony. 

He spoke about many aspects of the league saying, “Firstly, I would like to welcome Rayyan and Mesaimeer to the league, I would like to welcome the foreign, local and regional players. I am sure they will enrich the season with some great moments. I would like to welcome the fans too. Very soon we will start, there will be some high quality matches, and I believe the 2015/16 season will be of the highest level.”
He added, “Last season, the QSL’s management really achieved a lot, for example the match operations, sales, communications, and football development department have exerted a lot of efforts to make sure that the league is of the highest calibre. We must ensure that we keep to this standard.”
“We want to give the clubs greater responsibility and freedom but also we must ensure that it is a smooth transition that won’t affect the technical level of matches or off-field responsibilities. We are working together to improve the technical level as well as other important aspects of running a club on a daily basis.”
He continued, “The third factor, is the media who are one of our most important partners we have, I would like to thank Al Kass who broadcast in a very distinctive fashion. The local papers too have played a massive role and continue to do a great job.”
He concluded by saying, “The proof of the success of any league and any match is the presence of fans, we will do all we can in order to attract them, we want fans to be excited and interact in a fun way in the stadiums. This will be a great season I am sure, I hope that we can all work together to make this a season that will be remembered for a long time.”
Mr Ballan then put the shield on the stage and brought all the players together to have a group photo with the players to end a glitzy and symbolic day in the Qatari football calendar.

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  • Qatar Stars League
  • Qatar Stars League
  • Qatar Stars League
  • Qatar Stars League
  • Qatar Stars League
  • Qatar Stars League