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Muaither coach Jorge da Silva spoke to the media ahead of their 2023-2024 season Expo Stars League Week 11 match against Al Arabi.

“We played well in the last match against Qatar SC and imposed our style of play on the field, but we lost due to simple mistakes that cost us dear. But we will work hard to correct the mistakes to avoid repeating them and we are always working intensively to change the mentality of the players towards victory. I have high confidence in the team system and players to give everything they have to achieve a positive result in the next match before the end of the first leg of the league competition.

“The Al Arabi match is very difficult, as it is an organized team and has high-calibre players, and we must play against them with extreme caution, as well as close the spaces. We will make every effort to present a strong match and come out with a positive result.

“We are ready for the Al Arabi match and I hope to present a strong match against them that befits Muaither club and its players. Achieving victory gives us a great morale boost to continue to perform well in the upcoming matches,” said D Silva.

Muaither player Guy Mbenza said, “We played a good match against Qatar SC last week, but with simple mistakes we lost in the last minutes of the match. We are working with the technical staff to prevent the recurrence of these mistakes and we will address them and this is our mission.

“Our match with Al Arabi is difficult as we know that it is a strong and difficult team, but we are ready and we are working hard with the technical staff to prepare for this match to obtain a good result that will raise our morale more.

“We know well the responsibility on us and we have confidence, and we will make every effort to achieve victory and make the administration, technical staff and the fans happy.

“I know very well that the club and everyone expects more effort from me and to score goals. I am working intensively during this period to return to my usual level, as I was absent from the team for some time due to injury. I have returned now and will do my best to score goals and help my teammates.”

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Published on: 07/12/2023


Press Conference

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