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Qatar Stars League (CEO) Mr. Hani Ballan has held wide-ranging follow-up discussions with his team after attending the World Leagues Forum staged in Paris.

Mr. Ballan, who was accompanied by Mr. Mushtaq Al Waeli, Acting Executive Director for the Josoor Institute, met with scores of international football delegates who attended the Paris meeting.

Club presidents, chief executives and general secretaries from 23 professional top-flight football leagues, representing more than 1,100 clubs and nearly 20,000 players, attended the gathering in the French capital on November 30 and December 1.

Qatar, home to one of the best professional football leagues in Asia, continues to develop the game in the country preparing to host the
2022 FIFA World Cup.

Mr. Ballan's visit was part of QSL attempts to promote the brand of QSL around the world and to bring home the best professional practices in developing the league and safeguarding the interests of the players employed by the clubs.

During the well-attended forum, the leagues discussed issues of common concern as well as the current situation at the FIFA level.

Four of the five FIFA Presidential candidates - Prince Ali Bin Al Hussein of Jordan, Shaikh Salman Bin Ebrahim Al Khalifa of Bahrain, Jerome Champagne and Tokyo Sexwale - presented their views on the role of professional football leagues and their member clubs in the future governance of FIFA.

It was noted that 90 percent of players at the 2014 FIFA World Cup feature in the leagues around the globe.

During one of the discussions, the leagues agreed to pursue an integrated approach by creating a permanent association to formally work with FIFA on issues that impact professional football.

A working group of five leagues has been established to develop the formal structure for this new association.

This group, chaired by Frederic Thiriez, President of the French League, has been entrusted with finalizing the details for structuring the association by January 2016.

From 10 professional clubs a couple of seasons ago, QSL is now contested by 14 sides for title glory. All QSL matches are televised live throughout the season.

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  • Qatar Stars League