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Al Arabi physical fitness trainer Lazarscu Petru:

“We were able to reach the highest level of physical fitness.”

Al-Arabi physical fitness trainer revealed the preparation programme set for the players during the stoppage period in order to get them ready for the Qatar Stars League’s resumption on 30th of November as Al Arabi take on Al Ahli in round 11.

Lazarscu stated that the beginning of the season was tough for some players to adapt to the training system; nevertheless, the performances were good as well as the level of physical fitness.

“We were keen to increase the players’ performance rating during the stoppage period which was very beneficial for the players.”

This enabled them reach their highest levels of fitness yet, especially those that are not participating in matches regularly and need extra training to maintain their physical fitness for the season.

He added that the players’ current physical fitness is very good  and this was clearly demonstrated during the last league match against Lekhwiya which ended 3-3 and it was proven by the different measurements, which is good for my work. He commented on the stoppage and how he can benefit of it, that he and the head coach set a training program for the players with the aim to improve their fitness through a closed local training camp to identify the level of each player. The outcome was very good for all players without exceptions proved by the voltage measurement devices.

“The players at this moment are physically ready for the matches. Players have been tested under all criteria; individually, team work and tactically. Players showed good results that indicate their readiness to play during the coming games with the same efficiency they had before the stoppage, which is important.”
Al-Gharafa physical fitness trainer Gustavo Araujo:
“The stoppage is a good opportunity to prepare the players again for the league matches.”

Al-Gharafa physical fitness trainer assured us that the stoppage period due to the participation of the Maroons in the 22nd GCC Cup in Saudi Arabia was a good opportunity for the technical staff to once again prepare the players for the Qatar Stars League fixtures. 

The preparation programme commenced promptly after the players’ last match in the league, as the first team players were given rest. The rest of the reserve team continued to work. 

After the stoppage of the Qatar Gas League, all players were given positive rest, after which all the player underwent a fitness-training programme that was characterized with a physical load to help the players regain their fitness gradually and which aligned with tactical and technical aspects. 

He added that the stoppage was positive for the technical staff, especially for the elevation of the training load to compensate the fitness differences between the players due to the lack of participation of some players, in addition to the fact that the stoppage period was an opportunity for the rehabilitation of the injured players in the squad. 

The technical staff used modern technology which measured player performance to assess their fitness levels; this helped them set the appropriate training loads as well as identifying the required training load for certain players.

In general, the technical staff was happy with the team’s fitness level, as it was a positive benefit from the league stoppage, hoping to witness its effects on the players’ performance especially with the expected matches and the participation of the Maroons in AFC Asian Cup 2015 as well as the participation of Qatari clubs in AFC Champions League.

Al-Khor Physical Fitness Trainer:
“We divided the first team’s programme into several phases.”

Al-Khor physical fitness trainer divided his team programme during the league stoppage period into several phases. During the break in the QSL, players got a three-day rest, then the players underwent morning and evening training sessions for one week before they played a friendly game against Al-Waab which was then followed by one day rest and then the same training routine resumed once more.

 In order to preserve the gradual training load, the programme was amended to include only one evening training session during the third week before the friendly against Al-Shamal followed by three days’ rest.

Qatar Sports Club physical fitness trainer Munsef Al-Suwaid:
“The league’s stoppage period can be considered a double-edged sword”
QSC’s physical fitness trainer acknowledged that all the efforts by the technical staff were for the elevation of the players’ performance and maintaining their fitness for the Qatar Stars League’s resumption on 30 November.

He added that we can consider the league stoppage period a double-edged sword. The positive side lies in regaining the players’ fitness and the recovery of the injured players as well as granting them enough rest, especially since the players have a tough and physical season with a lot of pressure on them.

He also added that Qatar Sports Club is ready and prepared for the league’s resumption and that there were no severe injuries thanks to God. 

From the points expressed by the various physical fitness trainers working in the Qatar Stars League clubs, it was clear that there some of them considered the stoppage of the utmost importance in re-evaluating the physical levels of the players who do not participate consistently and those returning from injury. 

The opportunity for friendly games remained one of the ways to link the fitness of players and improve the performances of returning players.

On the other hand some trainers considered the league stoppage period a double-edged sword.
The coming phase of Qatar Stars League will commence on the 29th of this month for the much anticipated round 11.  

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